Valleys of Natisone. Ancient land of encounter and conflict between peoples

This site's aim to tell and share my passion for ancient history. As a child, encouraged by my father, I began to study and interest in the events that occurred in the Valleys of Natisone, animated by an innate desire to know and understand. My research, originally from the purely educational, changed dramatically after his meeting with Dr. Amelio Tagliaferri and with Gino Mona (known Meralda) known archaeologist assault. It was the latter, to me yourself to conduct historical research on the "field", a search made of reconnaissance, surveys and insights first hand the traces of history. The testimonies of the past described here, in part already known, in part unpublished, are the result of serious and thorough investigation, conducted in a totally selfless. I hope that the topics may be of interest and involve other fans of history, inviting anyone to any other carvings or drawings on stone, helping to shed light over the past of these lands. Valleys Natisone, there are many famous historical sites, but much remains to be discovered ...

Ivano Dorbolo’